Hello there! I’m Maggie and I’m on a mission to share my travels and experiences with the world. This is the landing page for my adventures, projects, and whatever else I’ve been up to. You can expect travel content, suggested itineraries, and recommendations on things from gear to parks, to anything else I might be enjoying at the moment. Be sure to check out and follow my Instagram account to stay up-to-date on my latest mooves!
Carlsbad Caverns National Park- Geological Wonders Abound At A Glance What to Wear: Sturdy shoes, warm-ish clothes Hiking: Easy (1.25 miles) to Strenuous (Natural Entranceat
Guadalupe Mountain National Park – Windswept Peaks At A Glance What to Bring: Sunglasses, plenty of water and snacks Hiking: Easy (0.4 mile accessible trail)